
The program modules

The program built up from modules which can be used separatley. We recommend you to check out the description of each one. Please consider to contact us before youre final decision so we can share our experience with you about so we can offer you the best possible solution that suitable for you. 

 If you would like to try our FREE DEMO version, please click HERE.

Client management, client administration module

This helps you to keep track of your clients. Contact information, repair history, also you are able to leave comments and prioritize. You'll be always up to date with all your clients. 

Invoice management, Accountant assistance module

This module can work standalone as well. It can handle your moneyflow regarding invoices, incomes, expenditures, salary and so on. It can help you to track your transfers. 

By using this module you're up to date with your moneyflow and also able to create useful statistics so you can optimize your processes moneywise. We are ensure you, that everything in the program works regarding the recent law. 

(Upon special request we can handle data export for a 3rd party program. example: accountant special program)

Invoice management, invoicing module

Stands as the name shows, handling all the matter with invoices. As nearly all your income should have an invoice, its manadatory to track these.

With the help of the module, you will be able to track, analyse and make fast decisions regarding your income channels. This can really change the complex and hard paperwork in to an easy-to-use process.

Inventory management modul

The inventory managmenet connect closely to the worksheet and the shop manager module. With the use of it, you can oversee all the actions taken in your inventory. Storage statistics can be calculated, you will be able to identify that which unit qoes to which project and who is the person requested the part.
There is three different option for this module. 

  • For small storage house 
  • For multiple number of storage house in one network
  • For those who works in a framework which stricly regulate the item/part usage  

Worksheet management for workshop, administration module

The worksheet management can help in the administration that occur in shops, workshops. If you connect this module to invoicing and inventory management, than the whole administration process covered for your company. From the point that the customer arrives to your site until the work done, the whole process will be controlled. With the module you can manage your and your employee's timeflow, schedule and you will be able to see statistics about efficency of work.


Shop administration, shop admin program modul

This module made for those companies who basicly focus on sales. The module offers a user friendly environment to control your workflow and sell the inventory items. Most effective if its connected to inventroy, customer management modules. 

The special feature of the modul is the "collection" function. With this tool, you can keep track of those items that already given to customers who have a periodic settlement deal with your company. 

Central database modul

This module was developed for workshops with two or more sites. This can help to centralize the database so you will be able to manage your employee in a more efficient way while you can see all the clients data and history without cheking in the local database. It can improve your simultaneous work. This system is a strick closed unit so if you choose to apply, please contact us for further information!

Fleet management module

The module helps you to coordinate the service process in a fleet. It can be connected to a central database as well. Also ensure the easy information flow between the fleet manager and the service itself.

If you would like to connect this system to a current one you use, please contact us for futher information!


Click on the elements above tocheck the role of each module!


Contact us!

The ModuPro software will help any medium or small sized venture when it comes to administration processes. It could fasten up your speed and quality also providing vital statistical numbers about current activities. You will be able to see your company inventory, account information, people schedule and many more important data when you are about to make important decisions. 

We can provide you with a DEMO version of the program with a trial period so you'll be able to ses if its fit your requirements.

There is a possibility to use only certain moduls of the program. For exmaple if you run only a warehouse that is not handling any invoices you can ask only for the inventory module. 

Please consider your needs and we are ready to make a personal quotation for you !


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