
Various modules

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ModuPro moduled:


Client management - Lehetőséget biztosít a cég ügyféladatainak a tárolására, rendszerezésére, csoportosítására, a kapcsolattartási információk és feladatok követésére, kezelésére.
   Cashier modul - It can handle your moneyflow regarding invoices, incomes, expenditures, salary and so on. It can help you to track your transfers
  Invoice management – With the help of the module, you will be able to track, analyse and make fast decisions regarding your income and expenditure channels. This can really change the complex and hard paperwork in to an easy-to-use process.
  Inventory management – The inventory managmenet connect closely to the worksheet and the shop manager module. With the use of it, you can oversee all the actions taken in your inventory. Storage statistics can be calculated, you will be able to identify that which unit qoes to which project and who is the person requested the part.
  Worksheet management - The worksheet management can help in the administration that occur in shops, workshops. If you connect this module to invoicing and inventory management, than the whole administration process covered for your company.
  Shop administration - This module made for those companies who basicly focus on sales. The module offers a user friendly environment to control your workflow and sell the inventory items. Most effective if its connected to inventroy, customer management modules. 
  Central modul - This module was developed for workshops with two or more sites. This can help to centralize the database so you will be able to manage your employee in a more efficient way while you can see all the clients data and history without cheking in the local database.
Install and first setup
Product introduction for the company, teaching the basic steps / troubleshooting guide
Network analysis - repair and maintance 
General Maintance
Software customization (futher information will need)
Central database - development


Please select which moduls you will require. Our colleague will comply a quotation for your soon!


The main program can be used by any ventures for administration but the Ultimate version is specialized for workshops. 



For futher information, please click on the items below!

Installation and first setup >>

  • Our colleagues will initiate your program and help you with the first setup. 

Intorduction of the program, help with the first steps >>

  • The IT world can be challenging for many of us. We are aware of that and we also know that the administration is a complex and hard work which now can be easily done with our program. However it also needs to be utilized in the right way so we offering our help to get accustom to the new environment. 

General maintenancel >>

  • We have a special contract offer those who would like to keep their software up to date and need assistance on a regular base. These services could be costly otherwise. You'll be able to take part in our development process with ideas, also can ask for assistance any time without get charged on timely basis. Also your program version will be up to date during the contract validity. 

Software modifictaion  / custom development  >>

  • Our development team can help you with your own custom development of the program. If your company have a slightly different administration process or some modul need a futher enhancement, we are willing to make this for you to make your life easier. 

    These processes are subjected to individual contracts and pricing. 

Establishment of centra database: >>

  • Creation of a central database upon own requests . This will help te see multiple site's data in one place which can fasten your decisions and make it even more precise. You can see requested statistics right away that helps you in daily work.